We’re all part of One Big Band.

One Big Band is a deliberately developmental global music therapy campaign for individual & planetary transformation.

We live in a vast, mysterious universe.

Think about that word: uni-verse = one song

The power and importance of music is underscored in the very language we use to express the great mystery of the cosmos itself. It is a transcendent language with an intrinsic ability to connect humanity to higher common ground and shared meaning. Music is a teaching tool: an influential force for change and growth that when mindfully crafted, allows the listener to be scaffolded through various themes, teachings, and perspectives.

One Big Band leverages the potency and sway of music and songwriting to its fullest extent as a vehicle of skillful means to teach humanity about the importance of their unfolding, and the positive impact personal growth has on society a whole.

One Big Band is dedicated to pioneering a transformative global music project that integrates the principles of human development and personal growth into mainstream culture.

Through the universal language of music, we partner with the leading musical influencers on the planet to inspire and teach audiences worldwide, fostering a deeper understanding of personal and collective evolution.

Our mission is to initiate positive change by creating powerful musical experiences that resonate with the human spirit, driving forward a movement towards greater consciousness, ethics, and compassion in society.

The meta opportunity of the meta crisis

We find ourselves in a time of great transition. Our planet faces interlocking and escalating crises of climate change, racism, economic inequality and rising authoritarianism. There is a great planetary need for a rejuvenation of education and culture that enlivens our trust in ourselves, hope in the future and strengthens our commitment to deepening our compassion and service to humankind.

Looking through the lens of developmental psychology, we ultimately see the meta- crisis as one of arrested human development.

Founded by a board certified music therapist, One Big Band was conceived to support the growth and unfolding of music enthusiasts through the use of music as a therapeutic modality and psycho-educational mechanism.

It is no secret that we are in need of an evolution of consciousness. From a whole-systems perspective, this crisis is a synchronistic moment of a new birth, with psychological, biological, cultural, and systemic changes coming together to support the necessity of birthing a new cultural movement.

Music has always been and will always be at the heart of carrying the message of positive change.

Coldplay, Clocks

“Am I part of the cure, or am I part of the disease?”

How is One Big Band different from other social change campaigns?

We focus on individual, interior change to propel social change forward. Social change is intimately connected to personal change and growth, as the transformation of societies is fundamentally driven by the evolution of individual consciousness. Our comprehensive framework for understanding this dynamic emphasizes that human development spans multiple dimensions—including cognitive, emotional, moral, and spiritual growth.

We recognize that growth is our birthright.

As we advance through stages, our moral and ethical perspectives become more inclusive and compassionate. This maturation process has profound implications for broader societal structures. Enhanced moral development fosters more enlightened approaches to education, policy and governance. It encourages the creation of systems that prioritize equity, justice, and sustainability. Moreover, a heightened ethical awareness inspires greater stewardship of the earth, promoting environmental policies that reflect a deep sense of interconnectedness and care for the planet. Through this lens, it becomes evident that fostering individual growth is a powerful catalyst for meaningful and lasting social change.

Project Components

Mentoring Musical Influencers

We consult and mentor the musical influencers of our planet towards a deeper understanding and recognition of their archetypal role in the world — artist as leader, healer and magician; a contemporary bard for planetary culture. We inspire and support the evolution of their talents to ignite lyrical wisdom, and collaborate with fellow musicians in conscious songwriting that offers next level psycho-educational growth and healing through music.

Multiple Deliberately Developmental Albums

We are a band of leaders in the fields of human development, consciousness studies and music. Through teamwork and collaboration with our artists, we create consciously written albums by rotating teams of the top global songwriters and musical influencers on the planet. New music is released each year to point out and guide listeners on a universal heroic journey.

Festivals, Online Learning, and Community Building

In conjunction with the writing, recording, and release of multiple albums that point out stages of psychological unfolding, universal themes and perspective taking, we offer stadium events, ritual festivals and online educational platforms. Our team of developmental psychologists, spiritual teachers, musicians, and other noteworthy influencers offer free master classes to students. Online mechanisms allow students/listeners to unpack and understand what the music is offering as a teaching.

“Art exists for the human species. I think that all of the people who love art, those who teach art, and all of you should burn with the obligation to save the world.”

— Shinichi Suzuki

Contact us.


One Big Band is a core project of Karuna Mandala, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Our mission is to nurture, cross-pollinate, and actualize creative projects that leverage the arts, psycho-education, and human development to raise human consciousness and cultivate a sustainable future that embraces goodness, truth, beauty, and planetary well-being.